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Location: Brighton Fred Smith Rodeo Arena


New this year! The Seminole Tribe of Florida 4-H Show and Sale will be conducted throughout the week of March 8th – 11th in Brighton.


Tribal Weigh-In’s:
Tuesday, March 8th (AM Time TBA)


Barn Check-In:
Tuesday, March 8th (PM Time TBA)


Pee Wee and Swine Show:
Wednesday, March 9th @ 7:00 PM


Cattle Show:
Thursday, March 10th @ 7:00 PM


Pee Wee Parade and Livestock Sale:
Friday, March 11th @ 7:00 PM – Buyers Dinner 6:00-7:00 PM



Sale Rules

All Steers and market hogs will be sold and slaughtered at a designated slaughter facility.


If your animal does not make weigh-in, you have a choice of taking your animal home or selling it on the rail to the slaughterhouse at rail prices.


Final weigh-ins will be done at each reservation. There will be no additional weight given to animals resulting from shipping or handling shrinkage. Each animal’s final weight will be the weight read at the scale the day of weigh-in. Each animal must have a representative (child or guardian) present at the time of final weigh in.


Any exhibitor that participates in the Seminole Tribe 4-H Show and Sale consents to having their market animal sold if their projects pass sifting/makes weight. Exhibitors are not allowed to retain ownership of their market animal.


Animals will not be allowed to leave the show grounds for any reason before the sale, unless agreed upon by the advisory committee. If an animal is removed from the grounds without the approval of the advisory committee, the exhibitor forfeits their privilege of showing an animal this year and the next.


Exhibitor may sell only one (1) market animal per year.


Steers must weigh a minimum of 1000 lbs. at final weigh in.


The buyer will not pay the difference of any steer weighing over 1450 pounds at the sale.


Exhibitors are strongly advised to write thank you letters to their buyers. These letters can be placed in buyer’s appreciation baskets, sent directly to the buyer or given to the buyer with the picture provided by 4-H.

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